The Secret of Human Transformation into God
ISBN 9789358780796




CHAPTER THREE: Human Energy Chakra System

According to my experience - if you open to one energy center, the rest of the centers become spontaneous. It is spontaneous mutations that occur during DNA replication. It is a miracle. Human energy chakra is related to cosmic energy. The human energy system consists of different levels of vibrations and frequencies. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Wheel of Light’. All sculptures in Bharatvarsh speak of the truth around this knowledge. For suppressing this knowledge, some groups have destroyed the sculptures and damaged temples.

Before you start reading, I want to first talk about my experience. Once you enter this world your whole life, your whole body becomes energy and vibration. Every time you feel your body’s mechanism, your head is pulled by cosmic energy. The body should be celebrated as a reflection of both divine and beauty of the light. Three points that continuously raise their energies are the Head, Heart and Navel. The head is the upper point of flowing energy. Grounding or earthing is best for meditation. I have been grounding myself in the garden for the last three years. I love the beautiful grass and soil. Earth provides you with more energy so you should walk without sandals on grass.

It is essential to remember that no one should interfere in the process of meditation otherwise the whole chain will break down. Once you open the chakra, prana flows through the body, every second. Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna are the three important nadis where energy flows.

Let’s talk about all chakras.

There are Seven main Chakras:

    1. Sahastrara Chakra – Crown Chakra

    2. Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra

    3. Vishuddha Chakra – Throat Chakra

    4. Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra

    5. Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra

    6. Svadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra

    7. Muladhara Chakra – Root Chakra

There are so many other centers in our body. Spine is the base of the body and connects the whole body –everything is connected to it. Like the tree trunk, the spinal column is the base of your body, and everything is joined to it. Your brain is nothing but one pole of your spinal column. In the spine, there is a thread-like thing which is the place for cosmic energy. In deep meditation, it can be seen. It is there; it is nonmaterial. It is energy, not matter. This energy cord in your spinal column is Life. That is the bridge between visible and invisible. This thread is the base of all chakras. In deep meditation, one must close their eyes and visualise the spinal column, and you can feel it. In this spinal column one great serpent energy resides. In India in all the ancient temples, many sculptures depict the Naga energy (serpent energy). This is a dimensional world and the human body form changes in each dimension. The navel, which is the main center of the human body, is the controlling center of not only the human body but also the center of the universe. Once you become conscious of this, you can start to breathe from the navel, and this is what will now help you to understand the below Chakras.

1. Sahastrara Chakra – Crown Chakra

Crown chakra is the seventh center. This chakra represents the highest level of consciousness and enlightenment. It is the connective center to cosmic energy (spirit/prana). This center integrates all the chakras with their respective qualities. Full awareness tells us that we are spiritual beings living a human existence. At this stage, humans can transform into God. The whole body can fill with spirit.

Sahastrara is described as a lotus flower with 1,000 petals of different colors. These petals are arranged in 20 layers, each layer with approximately 50 petals. The pericarp is golden and within it is a circular moon region inscribed with a luminous triangle, which can be either upward or downward pointing. You should feel your whole-body swimming in a big ocean. You feel energy, vibration of everything - vibration of sky, vibration of earth. You can see your subtle body. You can see the whole chine of subtle body which comes from the sun. You become the master.

To become real, one must not wear a mask on the face and that is key to opening of all chakras. Do not suppress. You are a natural human being. There is no condition in nature. Man makes these rules and regulations. Nature does not follow any rules and regulations. Nature is love and compassion. Love yourself and love others. Love and light are essential. You can see light in your life. This light is of your body. It’s important to open your heart and mind as much as possible in regular life. Good feelings create good vibrations in your body. Your aura spreads around you. You only need to realise your power. Most people are not aware of this power. This is the purity of human beings. If you give more importance to bad things, you will attract more bad things. This is a reality that I’ve seen in my life.

To look at it in a more scientific manner, the pituitary gland, which is found at the base of the brain, controls the Sahastrara Chakra. It is just pea-sized but is referred to as the ‘master gland’ of the body.

2. Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra

Third eye is the sixth center, and it is imagination. Scientifically, the pineal gland produces melatonin, a serotonin derived hormone. It is in the epithalamiums, near the center of brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two halves of the thalamus join. This is parietal eye, which is also called the pineal eye or ‘third eye’. The ‘Eye of Horus’ is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power, and good health. The Egyptian and Indian civilisations are very old civilisations. They knew about this third eye and how to use cosmic energy, therefore they built the pyramids. They also knew about rebirth. What they knew doesn’t really matter. What matters is that, today, we are the highest civilisation, but we still don’t know how to use this energy.

The third eye is the ‘light of body’ that creates frequency in the universe. Nikola Tesla says, “If you want to find the secret of the universe, think in terms of energy, vibration and frequency”. He is someone who knows many secrets about the universe. He also says that everywhere, people should have free energy sources. Electric power is present everywhere in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need for coal, oil or gas. Similarly, energy is everywhere. You should use this energy.

Many old Indian sculptures also related with third eye, the Ajna Chakra - the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness, where you can see what is right and what is wrong. Nothing is hidden from you. It is the mind’s eye, the inner eye. It can observe chakras and auras, future events and out of body experiences. The third eye is the main center of the human body that connects with the universal mind. Taoists claim that third eye is one of the main energy centers of body. Whenever you do meditation, pay attention to your forehead. Then focus on inhalation and exhalation. It needs practice. Once you can understand that the whole process depends on breathing, you will be awakened. When I close my eyes, I move into the inner world. When I realised the truth behind the third eye, I went deeper. Only by experimenting can you prove whether it is true.

Add to self-awareness, Buddha’s quotes, the reservoir of deep knowledge. Not only one, but all his quotes have deep understanding for people to grasp. This is Transformation of Human into God. Theory of Karma. One birth you are a teacher and the other, something different. There is no connection. We all have come here for true knowledge. After you become enlightened, you are out of this circle. Thereon, there is no more birth and death. “Tamso Maa Joytirgamaya.

3. Vishuddha Chakra – Throat Chakra

Vishuddha Chakra is in the throat region, the fifth center. There is so much information and so many books available on chakras that I am only going to mention the important things. Vishuddha has 16 petals, and this chakra is associated with higher discrimination, creativity and self-expression. It is associated with the thyroid gland in the human endocrine system. This gland is in the neck and produces hormones essential for growth and maturation. Singing is the best way to stimulate the throat chakra.

Our whole body vibrates when you listen to a song. If you ever listen to a song at 432 Hz, 440 Hz, you will feel your whole body healing. Ever wondered why? Because 4+3+2=9. The number 9 is God’s number. Number 9 denotes the ‘Golden Ratio’ which symbolises the basic formation of all creations like trees, flowers, earth, stars etc. All natural programs depend on the Golden Ratio. Numbers 3, 6, 9 are different from other numbers, symbolically.

Close your eyes and feel the whole universe filled with the sound of ‘Aahh’. Feel that every sound is moving towards you, and you are the center. Just feel the sound. This feeling will give you deep peace. If you are sitting by the side of a waterfall, close your eyes and feel the sound falling upon you from every side. In the morning, I like to listen to the birds chirping. This makes me peaceful, calm, happy and blissful. I think natural sound is the best sound.

4. Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra or anahata is the fourth center. It is air. Open your heart and fill it with love and compassion. It is best way to open the heart chakra. There are different ways and methods to look at the same object. For instance, people with open hearts look at a flower differently, with a state of openness and expansion. Most Gods like Jesus and Krishna related with the heart chakra. Buddha related with mind, heart and navel. The doors are different, but the destination is one.

Heart chakra is represented by a lotus flower with twelve petals. Inside there is a smokey region at the intersection of two triangles. The shatkona is a symbol used in Hindu yantra, representing the union of male and female - Shiva and Shakti. At top level, you are not male and female. Both are within you. The division of male and female is an illusion. In reality, they are one.

The Upanishad described it as a tiny flame inside the heart. It is true. Upanishad says, “Asato ma sadgamaya, tamaso jyotirgamaya, mrtyorma amrtam gamaya”, which means, “Lead us from unreal to real, lead us from darkness to light, lead us from the fear of death to the knowledge of immortality”.

Such beautiful deep lines. To become real and natural, to bring light of true knowledge in your life, to become mature about death, you should not fear anything. We are immortal. There is no death or birth, just transformation of energy. It is true knowledge. A person who understands this knowledge is out of this circle and flows in the ocean of bliss.

Heart chakra is associated with love and compassion, charity and psychic healing. Meditation on this chakra is said to bring the following siddhis:

He becomes a lord of speech

His presence controls the senses of others

He can leave and enter the body at will

In India, there are many books on Kundalini Yoga, awakened and balanced by asana, pranayama.

5. Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra is the third chakra. It is located above the navel. Manipura translates from Sanskrit as the ‘City of Jewels’. It is fire. To feel fire is the best way to open Manipura Chakra. It’s associated with yellow color. It is said to govern digestion and metabolism as the home of Agni and the vital Samana Vayu. The energies of Prana Vayu and Apana Vayu meet at the point in the balance system. Medicine is based on this chakra and practitioners work on this area to promote healthier digestion, improving functioning of pancreas, kidney and adrenal. Secondary chakra - the sun chakra is located at the solar plexus, whose role is to absorb and assimilate prana from the sun.

6. Svadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra is the sixth chakra. It has six petals and represents water and the water region. Sacral chakra is closely related with the Muladhara (root chakra). To feel water is the best way to open this chakra. It is a corresponding point in front of the body and is barely below the belly button. It relates to reproduction. We see an energy ball in Buddha’s hands – a place of new birth. It is the third main point after the head, heart and navel and is often associated with the testes and ovaries. They produce hormones testosterones or estrogen which influence sexual behavior.

7. Muladhara Chakra – Root Chakra

Root or Muladhara chakra is one of the seven primary chakras according to Hindu Tantrism. It is symbolised by a lotus with four petals. It is at the base of the spine. To sit in an open ground is the best way to open this chakra - not only sitting but feeling as emotions are very important. It is associated with the anus. Muladhara is said to be the base from which three main psychic channels or nadis emerge, the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

By meditating on bottom of spine, one can open the Muladhara Chakra, and become free from all diseases. His innermost spirit becomes full of great gladness.

You become like the divine lotus flower. Bharatvarsh has used the Shri Yantra for thousands of years. This yantra is the door to the dimensional world. It represents universal cosmology.