The Secret of Human Transformation into God
ISBN 9789358780796




CHAPTER FIVE: To Become Real And Natural

To become natural and real, one must not wear a mask on one’s face. The more you believe in yourself, the more real you become. Positivity, gratitude, meditation, nature, love, compassion, silence etc. make you real and natural. A real person feels everything - happiness, kindness etc. - as all his energy chakras are opened.

“Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and guidance of virtue”.


A real, pure and peaceful mind brings wisdom to life. Wisdom fills your life with happiness, joy and bliss. While I was reading Osho’s book, I came across a beautiful extract:

There was once a beggar who had some treasure but either he had forgotten or not yet recognised that it’s a treasure, so he continues begging in the streets. Someone says, “Go and look inside your house. You need not be a beggar; you can be an emperor this very moment”. The beggar says, “What nonsense are you talking. How can I be an emperor at this very moment? I have been begging for years. Even if I go on begging for lives together, I am not going to be an emperor. How absurd and illogical is your statement that I can be an emperor this very moment”.

It is impossible. The beggar couldn’t believe it. Why? Because his begging mind has been a long habit. If the treasure was, in fact, hidden in the house, it was such a simple task to achieve. By simply digging the earth, he could have found the treasure and immediately ceased to be a beggar. He could have very well become an emperor. This is the best example of real life. The treasure is symbolic of the inner reality, real energetic power, real wisdom, real love, consciousness and acceptance of everything.

Real treasure is not physical wealth, it’s the treasure inside of you. It is in your hands to realise. It is immortal. Buddha was a beggar like the one in the story above; he was not always the Buddha we know. At one point, the beggar in him died, and he became God. One day Buddha realised the inner treasure and ceased to be a beggar and became the master. The distance between Gautama Siddhartha and Gautama Buddha is infinite. It is same distance that is between you and Buddha. The treasure is also hidden within you as it was in Buddha. Scientifically, it is the power of the subconscious mind. Before you control your mind, you should know that your mind is always in confusion. There is no clarity. Mind is always crowded, always clouded. It is never an open sky. Try to understand the mind.

What is mind? It is a continuous process of thoughts. These thoughts that pass through your mind are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Your thoughts influence your behavior and attitude and control your actions and reactions. Whatever your thought is, becomes your life. Be careful of what you think. It is not possible to control your thoughts in real life, so become positive in your thought. So, the path is clear. Become real so there is no need to control. Thought is the seed. If you plant seeds, water them, and give them fertiliser, they will grow into healthy and strong plants. Thoughts, like seeds, have a natural tendency to grow and manifest in your life; feed them with attention, positivity, interest and enthusiasm. Your thoughts pass from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind, which in turn, influences your action in accordance with these thoughts. Your thoughts also pass to other minds, so people who are in a position to help you might offer you their help, sometimes without even knowing. You are a manifestation of the universal mind. You are the creator of your life. Nothing can damage your life except your negative thoughts. So, first clear your mind, what you think, you become. Be on the positive path. Most people are on the negative path; therefore, things go the wrong way. Let’s understand this secret.

A child is born. A child has a pure and clear mind and body. As time passes, confusions enter and clarity starts diminishing. A child has clarity, but he will have to gather knowledge, information, culture, religion, conditioning from thousands of sources. Soon the mind will become a marketplace, a crowd— confusion is bound to enter. True knowledge of life will be missing. An imbalance will arise. It will create problems. Meditation, positivity, love, energy, vibration, compassion, respect, gratitude will make you a treasurer. Then victory is in your hands. No one will be able to steal it from you. Today, in schools and colleges, this knowledge does not exist.

The sky is pure, it’s the purest thing in existence. Nothing makes it impure. World comes and goes, clouds come and go, sky remains pure. Both purity and clarity are there. Allow the sky to happen to you. Do not force it, feelings make you pure. Just become real. Accept whatsoever you are. You are a great mystery of much multidimensional energy. Accept it. Give importance to yourself. Move with energy, with deep sensitivity, awareness, love and understanding.

Our body is our temple. Give respect to it. It is a pyramid of huge energy. Use this energy to become real, natural and aware of consciousness. If you want to dance, dance. Do what you like. You are not going to be a great dancer but who said you need to be great? Howsoever awkward, just dance. Dance with nature, feel the air, feel the whole sky. This is a natural dance. Your mind can connect with the universal mind. I like to dance with nature. It is called the dance of nature. This dance is not ordinary. It helps me to connect with nature. If you want storms, storms can arise because when you are dancing, your center is your heart. It only happens when you become one with yourself. Forget your name, your prestige, your degree - be childlike and let your heart’s real energy come out.

When your heart is developed, quality of mind will also change. This is called a pure, joyful and peaceful mind. It is a really clean mind. The movement from heart to head and from head to heart will make you feel totally different. You will feel different talking, walking, sleeping and bathing. Your vision and views will feel different. You will attract everyone into your life. Be clear and real about what you want in your life. If the picture in your mind is clear, your outcomes will be clear. Your life will become a celebration. You will travel better than simply reaching destinations. All this virtue is necessary for transforming DNA.

“Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I. I have to contribute my potential to life; you have to contribute your potential to life. I have to discover my own being; you have to discover your own being”.
